
In the depths of Bandit City, our first quest—the Trader’s Trial—put bandits’ skills to the test. Those who claimed their Bandit airdrop ventured into the shadows of the Zano Trade DEX and swapped their Bandit coins for Zano using the @autobot.

The trading alley buzzed with activity, as sharp-eyed traders completed significant transactions. In total, 360.67 ZANO was swapped for a staggering 1,567,525.46 BANDIT—valued at over $4,000 at the current market price of $12 per ZANO.

🦝 Congrats to the bandits who figured it out and seized their treasure! You’ve proven that in Bandit City, opportunities are there for those who seek them.

The first quest is complete, but more challenges lie ahead… Stay sharp. The next trial is coming.

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